We have no puppies available at present (Dec 2021).
February 2015
Pups born 2nd February, 2016
Sire: Tormenstorp Never Ever
Mother: Draycore Woona
At 'Draycore' we pride ourselves on the fact that when we sell a puppy, the new owner/s
become our friends and can call on us for advice or support at any time. Although rare,
occasionally things do go wrong and if necessary, we will take back any dog we have bred,
at any age. Because we care about our dogs, we require all puppy buyers to sign a contract,
which provides a number of provisions, which also protect the new owners following
their purchase of a puppy from us, benefiting both parties.
All our puppies have their kennel club registrations endorsed with:-
1. Progeny not eligible for registration
2. Not eligible for export pedigree
3. If you cannot look after you 'Draycore' puppy/ dog anymore we will try to help.
All dogs/ puppies must be returned to us here in such an event if a solution can't be found.
These endorsements / criteria are for the 'welfare of the GSD' and we hope will help
discourage indiscriminate breeding.
However, if a puppy buyer wants to breed a carefully planned litter of puppies, the dog
must be at least 2 years old, hip-scored 20 or less, elbow scored suitable and be of sound
mind and body, with something to offer the breed.
If all this applies, only then will we consider removal of the endorsement to allow
We will also provide suitable support, guidance and advice where necessary and if
In addition, if an owner were considering emigration then the endorsement regarding